We present an optimized GPU implementation of Reed-Solomon Codes, which can achieve a speedup of 14.71 over the current best CPU implementation Jerasure.
assertion-verification: automated compile-time constraint verification for databases based on the weakest precondition and predicate transformer approaches, 2011/9–2012/3.
Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes: xattr (a simple patch PR#8, accepted).
Research Experiences
Lab member of Large-scale System Architecture (LSA) Lab, National Tsing Hua University, 2012–2014: work on “Accelerate Reed-Solomon Codes on GPUs” under the supervison of Prof. Jerry Chou.
Research intern in LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique) of the University of Paris XI, France, 2011,10–2012,4: work on “automated constraint verification for databases” under the guidance of Prof.Véronique Benzaken and Prof. Évelyne Contejean.
Lab member of Microsoft Visual Perception Laboratory of Zhejiang University, 2010–2012: work on “scene audio recognition of images” under the supervison of Prof. Mingli Song.
Programming Language: C, C++, Lua, Verilog HDL, script(mainly bash), etc.
Framework/API: cocos2d-x, quick-cocos2d-x, CUDA, MPI, etc.
Version Control Tools: git, svn (As a git fan, now I prefer git-svn instead XD).
IDE: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Xilinx ISE, XCode, etc. (Now I use the editor vim instead XD)