
by yszheda

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Tip 80: Highlight Search Matches

Return to the top: <<Practical Vim>>

  • highlighting search matches: enabling the 'hlsearch' option.


# If you open the file in vim,
# then you can \"ayy@a the next line to execute the vim command: 
:h 'hlsearch'

Mute Search Highlighting

  • disable the search highlighting feature entirely:
    • :set nohlsearch
    • :se nohls
    • :se hls!
  • mute the search highlighting temporarily: :nohlsearch


# If you open the file in vim,
# then you can \"ayy@a the next line to execute the vim command: 
:h :noh

Create a Shortcut to Mute Highlighting

nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :<C-u>nohlsearch<CR><C-l>

Normally, <C-l> clears and redraws the screen:


# If you open the file in vim,
# then you can \"ayy@a the next line to execute the vim command: