
by yszheda

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Tip 119: Use Alternate Spelling Dictionaries

Return to the top: <<Practical Vim>>

changing the default language of the spell dictionaries by tweaking the 'spelllang' options:


# If you open the file in vim,
# then you can \"ayy@a the next line to execute the vim command: 
:h 'spelllang'

Specify a Regional Variant of a Language


# If you open the file in vim,
# then you can \"ayy@a the next line to execute the vim command: 
:h spell-remarks

Example: permit only American spellings:

:set spell
:set spelllang=en_us

Obtain Spell Files for Other Languages

Downloading spell files by the plugin spellfile.vim, which ships with Vim.


# If you open the file in vim,
# then you can \"ayy@a the next line to execute the vim command: 
:h spellfile.vim

The least configuration to make it work:

set nocompatible
plugin on